The average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week.
In the last 20 years, we have increased sugar consumption in the U.S. 26 pounds to 135 lbs. of sugar per person per year. Prior to the turn of this century (1887-1890), the average consumption was only 5 lbs. per person per year. Cardiovascular disease and cancer was virtually unknown in the early 1900's.
For several million years, humans existed on a diet of animals and vegetation. It was only with the advent of agriculture a mere 10,000 years ago – a fraction of a second in evolutionary time – that humans began ingesting large amounts of sugar and starch in the form of processed sugar and grains (and potatoes) in their diets. Indeed, 99.99% of our genes were formed before the advent of agriculture. In biological terms, our bodies are still those of hunter-gatherers.
Quantities of refined sugar came into the human diet after the process of making sugar by evaporating juice from sugar cane was developed in India about 500 BC.
Today’s average American teenager slurps down more than 120-170 pounds of sugar a year, depending upon whose statistics you believe.
We call sugar “empty calories,” but it is actually worse than that because sugar leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals. The sudden shock of a heavy intake of sugar disrupts the pH balance of the blood which has a very narrow range of acceptability. The body then mobilizes neutral acids and minerals including sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium in an attempt to correct the pH balance. Eating sugar every day exacerbates the problem – producing a continuously over-acid condition, which means that more and more minerals are required from deep within the body to rectify the imbalance. Ultimately, so much calcium is taken from the teeth and bones that decay and general weakening begin.
Meanwhile, because the sugar intake produces a surge in insulin production, the body assumes that plenty of energy is readily available, so it stops burning fat and starts storing it. High insulin levels suppress the hormone glucagon and growth hormones that are responsible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle development, respectively. When the insulin surge causes too much blood sugar to be transported out of our blood, then blood sugar levels drop below normal. We feel tired and hungry, and are tempted to reach for another candy bar. Over time, the drain on the body from having to produce so much insulin to regulate blood sugar level leads first to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) from having to produce so much insulin, then to insulin resistance (high insulin but normal blood sugar) from the excessive production of insulin, and then to type II diabetes, when insulin production can no longer keep up with demand.
Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin, noticed in 1929 in Panama that diabetes was common among sugar plantation owners who ate large amounts of their refined sugar. Among native cane-cutters he saw no diabetes; they chewed the raw cane that still had all the inherent nutrients.
In 1975, William Dufty wrote a landmark book, Sugar Blues, warning us that our sugar habit was deadly:
“Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycogen). Since the liver's capacity is limited, a daily intake of refined sugar (above the required amount of natural sugar) soon makes the liver expand like a balloon. When the liver is filled to its maximum capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These are taken to every part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas: the belly, the buttocks, the breasts and the thighs. When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs, such as the heart and kidneys. These begin to slow down; finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The whole body is affected by their reduced ability, and abnormal blood pressure is created.
“The parasympathetic nervous system is affected; and organs governed by it, such as the small brain [cerebellum], become inactive or paralysed. (Normal brain function is rarely thought of as being as biologic as digestion.) The circulatory and lymphatic systems are invaded, and the quality of the red corpuscles starts to change. An overabundance of white cells occurs, and the creation of tissue becomes slower. Our body's tolerance and immunising power becomes more limited, so we cannot respond properly to extreme attacks, whether they be cold, heat, mosquitoes or microbes.
“The ‘quick’ energy we feel after eating sugar is based on the fact that refined sucrose is not digested in the mouth or the stomach but passes directly to the lower intestines and thence to the bloodstream. The extra speed with which sucrose enters the bloodstream does more harm than good.
“When sugars are eaten with other foods – perhaps meat and bread in a sandwich – they are held up in the stomach for a while. The sugar in the bread and the Coke sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is working on the animal protein and the refined starch in the bread, the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture existing in the stomach. When starches and complex sugars (like those in honey and fruits) are digested, they are broken down into simple sugars called ‘monosaccharides’, which are usable substances-nutriments. When starches and sugars are taken together and undergo fermentation, they are broken down into carbon dioxide, acetic acid, alcohol and water. With the exception of the water, all these are unusable substances – poisons.
“When proteins are digested, they are broken down into amino acids, which are usable substances – nutriments. When proteins are taken with sugar, they putrefy; they are broken down into a variety of ptomaines and leucomaines, which are nonusable substances -- poisons. Enzymic digestion of foods prepares them for use by our body. Bacterial decomposition makes them unfit for use by our body. The first process gives us nutriments; the second gives us poisons.”Today around the world, diabetes is called the sugar disease.
“I’m concerned for virtually every country where there’s modernization going on, because of the diabetes that follows,” said Dr. Paul Zimmet, the director of the International Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia. “I’m fearful of the resources ever being available to address it.”Sugar is addictive, and addictive substances are never easy to address.
We could easily list 100 ways sugar is destructive to the body – here are ten:
- Sugar consumption requires the body to produce more and more insulin to keep blood sugar levels in balance which eventually exhausts the body’s ability at which point we give a diagnosis of diabetes.
- Sugar dehydrates.
- Sugar can suppress the immune system and impair defenses against infectious disease.
- Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body: causes chromium and copper deficiencies and interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
- Sugar can cause can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
- In Los Angeles juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44 percent drop in antisocial behavior.
- Sugar feeds cancer cells. Otto Warburg, Ph.D., won the Nobel Prize in medicine when he discovered that cancer cells use glucose (sugar) for growth. All cells have a requirement for glucose, but cancer cells consume as much as 4 to 5 times more glucose than normal, healthy cells. In fact, they're unable to multiply rapidly without it.
- Sugar makes us stupid. The key to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, a vital compound directed by B vitamins. B vitamins are manufactured by symbiotic bacteria which live in our intestines. When refined sugar is taken daily, these bacteria wither and die, and our stock of B vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar and our ability to calculate and remember is lost.
- Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in women who use oral contraceptives.
- Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
Where is refined sugar found? In the sugar bowl, the icing on the pastry, spaghetti sauce, candy, soda, flavored bottled waters, fruit juice, salad dressings, ketchup, in the coating on the French fries, baked beans, soups, cereals, cough syrup; these are obvious places. We also find it in some not so obvious places:
- MILK Chances are better than 90% that the container of milk in your refrigerator is from the grocery store and it has been pasteurized and homogenized. Raw milk has sugar in the form of lactose which is absorbed slowly. In fact, drinking raw milk actually can reduce blood sugar levels. Heating milk however changes the lactose into beta lactose, an unnatural form of sugar which is absorbed very quickly, triggering a release of insulin. Pasteurized milk is mucus forming, raw is not.
The thought of drinking milk straight from the cow probably horrifies you. “The germs will kill me!” you’ve been taught to think. Well, consider that for tens of thousands of years, that is exactly how humankind drank milk from animals. It wasn’t until people moved into the cities in the early 1900s that cows were shoved into confinement dairies with city filth and unnatural feed. “Sterilizing” milk seemed to have merit. But no longer. Since 1970, there are more documented cases of illness from pasteurized milk than from raw milk.
Dr. William Campbell Douglass wrote a book well worth reading entitled “The Milk Book” where he explains how pasteurization and homogenization creates a food with almost no positive nutritional value, and are high in a bad form of sugar. He also makes a compelling case that 80 years of pasteurized and homogenized milk set the stage for the rise in many chronic diseases we see today.
- BREADS, PASTAS & PASTRIES Next time you see a hamburger, picture the meat patty sandwiched between two disks of sugar. Highly processed carbs like “enriched” breads (including hamburger buns) are so stripped of nutrients, fiber – anything that slows absorption – that the body processes them like sugar. Processed breads, etc., cause insulin levels to surge just as a candy bar would. So, think outside the bun and ask for that hamburger to be served on a plate please, with lettuce, onions and tomato on the side.
- LOW FAT FOODS Fat gives taste. Remove the fat, and, well, the food is tasteless. So food manufacturers add sugar. Compare the labels for example as to sugar content on regular peanut butter with “low fat” peanut butter. There will be more sugar in the low fat version. Next, do the comparison with the low fat salad dressings. Low fat food will cause you to gain weight, not so much because of the calories in the extra sugar, but because of the insulin surge triggered. Also, without fat to give the stomach that “I’m satiated, I’m full” feeling, you want to eat more. Low fat foods can actually make you hungrier.
- ALMOST ALL MANUFACTURED FOOD If you look on the label of almost any manufactured food, sugar appears somewhere in the list of ingredients. It may be called sugar, sucrose, glucose, galactose, or almost any other –ose, but it’s still sugar.
- NO SUGAR ADDED The use of concentrated fruit juice is still another form of fructose (sugar).
The Danish government has banned fortification – the addition of vitamins and minerals – of sugary breakfast foods so that manufacturers cannot appear to make sugary and fatty foods appear more healthy by merely sprinkling a few (usually synthetic) vitamins around.
All the Different Names for Sugar
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Perhaps more ubiquitous in processed foods than refined sugar is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Although the industry's television ads say it is natural, made from corn, and fine in moderation, experts strongly disagree. HFCS does not exist in nature, nor is it the fructose naturally found in fruits and honey. And the way it is used in so many products, most people far exceed moderate use.
Making HFCS requires a number of labor intensive steps, including high-velocity spinning and the introduction of three different enzymes to incite molecular rearrangements. The steps convert corn starch to glucose and then to fructose to form a clear, sweet syrup. Despite the lengthy process, it's still cheaper than sugar because corn is such a highly subsided crop.
All the Different Names for Sugar
- Barley malt
- Beet sugar
- Brown sugar
- Buttered syrup
- Cane juice crystals
- Cane sugar
- Caramel
- Corn syrup
- Corn syrup solids
- Confectioner’s sugar
- Carob syrup
- Castor sugar
- Date sugar
- Demerara sugar
- Dextran
- Dextrose
- Diastatic malt
- Diatase
- Ethyl maltol
- Fructose
- Fruit juice
- Fruit juice concentrate
- Galactose
- Glucose
- Glucose solids
- Golden sugar
- Golden syrup
- Grape sugar
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Honey
- Icing sugar
- Invert sugar
- Lactose
- Maltodextrin
- Maltose
- Malt syrup
- Maple syrup
- Molasses
- Muscovado sugar
- Panocha
- Raw sugar
- Refiner’s syrup
- Rice syrup
- Sorbitol
- Sorghum syrup
- Sucrose
- Sugar
- Treacle
- Turbinado sugar
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Perhaps more ubiquitous in processed foods than refined sugar is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Although the industry's television ads say it is natural, made from corn, and fine in moderation, experts strongly disagree. HFCS does not exist in nature, nor is it the fructose naturally found in fruits and honey. And the way it is used in so many products, most people far exceed moderate use.
Making HFCS requires a number of labor intensive steps, including high-velocity spinning and the introduction of three different enzymes to incite molecular rearrangements. The steps convert corn starch to glucose and then to fructose to form a clear, sweet syrup. Despite the lengthy process, it's still cheaper than sugar because corn is such a highly subsided crop.
Due to federal agribusiness subsidies, every dollar of profits earned by Archer Daniels Midland - the largest producer of HFCS - costs consumers $10 by some estimates. Of the $113.6 billion in taxpayer commodity subsidy payments distributed by the USDA between 1995 and 2004, corn drew $41.8 billion - more than cotton, soy, and rice combined. That leads people like author Michael Pollan to comment,
"You have high-fructose corn syrup showing up where sugar has never been - in bread, in pickles, in mayonnaise, in relish, in all these products - that they basically have found that if you sweeten anything, we will buy more of it. HFCS is a very convenient, cheap ingredient, because we subsidize the corn from which it's made."
And much of the corn from which HFCS is made is likely to be genetically modified. Additionally, two of the enzymes used to make the syrup – alpha-amylase and glucose-isomerase – are genetically modified (GM) to make them more stable at higher temperatures.
"There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects." The group's White Paper cited numerous animal studies linking GM foods to altered structure and function of the liver, kidney, pancreas and spleen; decrease in infertility; an increase in asthma, allergy, and inflammation; and a difference in the way some 400 genes work that control protein synthesis and modification, cell signaling, cholesterol synthesis, and insulin regulation."Since HFCS's widespread introduction in the 1980's, American obesity rates skyrocketed. The occurrence of new cases of type 2 diabetes has doubled over the past three decades, according to a report in the June 2006 American Heart Association's journal Circulation. The percentage of overweight children in the United States has tripled since 1980.
Many people point the finger of blame at HFCS because it is in so many foods and beverages, and because the body must struggle to process it. The state of Florida even went so far as trying to ban HFCS from schools in 2006, but the legislation was never signed into law.
High fructose corn syrup is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar. HFCS blunts the body's ability to recognize when it is full and increases a person's appetite. The temporary spike of HFCS blocks the action of insulin, which typically regulates how body cells use and store sugar and other food nutrients for energy. There is a rise in uric acid in the bloodstream that occurs after fructose is consumed. If uric acid levels are frequently elevated, over time features of metabolic syndrome may develop, including high blood pressure, obesity and elevated blood cholesterol levels.
In animal studies, the Department of Nutrition at the University of California, Davis (UCD) found that fructose consumption contributes to insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, high blood pressure, and elevated levels of triglycerides. And although the data in humans is not quite as conclusive as the animal trials, the researchers report that a high intake of fructose may increase body weight and encourage insulin resistance, both of which are risk factors for type 2 diabetes.
A key 2010 Princeton study found that when rats ate HFCS, they gained significantly more weight than those that ate table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same. And long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup led to abnormal increases in abdominal body fat, causing a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides and triggering risk factors for heart disease.
Researchers at Rutgers University discovered that beverages made with high fructose corn syrup contain high levels of reactive carbonyls, a free radical linked to tissue damage, the development of diabetes, and the occurrence of diabetes complications. A single can of soda contains about five times the concentration of reactive carbonyls than the concentration found in the blood of an adult person with diabetes.
HFCS also triggers the “browning reaction” where certain carbohydrate molecules bind with proteins and cause aging. It's sometimes called the Maillard reaction. It changes the structure of enzymes and other proteins, resulting in tissue and organ damage. According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, the browning reaction occurs with any sugar, but with fructose it happens seven times faster than it does with glucose.
As consumers learn more about HFCS, they are saying in surveys that they don't want it. A 2007 International Food Information Council Foundation study found that 60 percent of American consumers said they were trying to consume less high fructose corn syrup. In January of 2009, consumers learned of another reason to avoid it - mercury. The scientific journal, Environmental Health, reported that nearly 50 percent of the commercial HFCS tested contained mercury, a neurotoxin. Products with mercury-laced HFCS included those by Quaker, Hershey's, Kraft and Smucker's.
Mercury was most prevalent in HFCS-containing dairy products, followed by dressings and condiments. Consumption by teenagers can be up to 80 percent above average levels.
For decades, HFCS has been made using mercury-grade caustic soda produced in industrial chlorine (chlor-alkali) plants. While the FDA had evidence that commercial HFCS was contaminated with mercury four years ago, the agency did not inform consumers, help change industry practice, or conduct additional testing.
In 2009, researchers went looking for what has killed about one-third of the honey bees in the U.S. They looked at HFCS because it is fed to bees. They found that when HFCS is heated, it forms a toxin called hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). It is toxic to bees, and, studies in Sweden have linked HMF to DNA damage in humans. In addition, HMF breaks down in the body to other substances – daughter metabolites – potentially more harmful than the original substance.
High fructose corn syrup masquerades under the name crystalline fructose in Glaceau Vitamin Water and some energy drinks.
It pays to read labels.
Sugar Substitutes
As the American waistline enlarged, food producers came up with “no-calorie” sweeteners. A public relations war unmatched since the introduction of fluoride in city water supplies was begun.
Today, you can see the results of it fairly clearly.
Today, you’ll see endorsements for artificial sugars from various mainstream groups saying they are “considered ‘free foods’ because they don't count as a carbohydrate, a fat or any other exchange.” Take for example the American Diabetes Association (ADA). This organization gives its endorsement to:
- Saccharin (Sweet'N Low)
- Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal)
- Acesulfame potassium (Sunett)
- Sucralose (Splenda)
Let’s look a bit behind the scenes.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) receives some of its funding from the aspartame manufacturers. So, too, do many medical journals which carry reports on the subject. The ADA's corporate sponsors include Cadbury-Schweppes (the world's largest candy maker), General Mills, Kraft Foods, and too many pharmaceutical companies to count. Conflicts of interest? That study which said there was no effect on insulin was conducted in 6 weeks time. Insulin sensitivity takes years to develop. And 13 people made up the study. Steven Hunter, lead researcher for the Belfast team, told Food Navigator USA, "Sugar has traditionally been linked to the development of diabetes. These findings challenge that thinking." Does that sound like a valid study or a public relations ploy?
The ADA was founded in 1940 to provide “diabetes research, information and advocacy.” Since 1940 the number of people who have developed diabetes has skyrocketed. The effort does not sound very successful, does it? On their website, the ADA states the idea that eating sugar leads to Type II Diabetes is a myth. What does the ADA make of the September 2006 New York Times piece on how sugar is creating an epidemic of Type II Diabetes in India and around the world? The “sugar disease” they call it.
In November 2006, the New York Times front page questioned the ADA’s ethics. The organization took $23 million in 2005 from drug and food companies, especially food companies whose primary business is selling products high in calories. “Maybe the American Diabetes Association should rename itself the American Junk Food Association,” said Gary Ruskin, director of Commercial Alert, a consumer advocacy group.
Perhaps someone should inform the ADA that carbohydrates turn into sugar when digested.
It’s not just the ADA. Many of the so-called health organizations are beholden to corporate sponsors who are often big food and pharmaceutical companies. Public Relations or advertising masquerading as research keeps the messages confusing. People don’t know what change to make for the better, so they keep doing the same thing and that keeps the bottom line intact for the big food and pharmaceutical companies.
If the ADA won’t speak clearly about the dangers of refined sugar, it’s no wonder it endorses sugar substitutes.
The FDA has received more complaints about aspartame than any other food additive. Groups have demanded its recall. In 2006, the Ramazzini study – peer reviewed by 7 world experts – showed conclusively aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen causing leukemia, lymphoma, kidney cancer and cancer of the cranial peripheral nerves.
Dr. James Bowen recalls, "I was one of only two independent scientists who ever read the original aspartame toxicity studies from FDA files. They were done at only 1/1000th the legally requisite dose. In that minuscule dosage the rat brain cancer was the worst ever caused by any chemical ever tested at any dosage! When they marketed aspartame for soft drinks in 1983, the next six months saw a 10% jump in the US brain tumor rate, and also a 30% jump in the incidence of new cases of diabetes.”
Food and beverages containing phenylalanine, the major ingredient in aspartame, must be labeled due to the genetic disorder, phenylketonuria (PKU). People with this genetic disorder lack the enzyme needed to metabolize phenylalanine and therefore it accumulates in the body and, according to Dr. H. J. Roberts, can cause severe mental retardation.
Dr. H. J. Roberts has researched and written extensively about aspartame. He feels the so-called early-onset of Parkinson’s disease, Gulf War syndrome, and other neurological disorders are triggered by a generous consumption of diet soda.
Saccharin, cyclamate and acesulfame-K have all been shown to cause cancer in animals. For a time, the government required a label on saccharin, warning consumers that it could cause cancer.
The newest sugar substitute on the block is Splenda. To make Splenda, a molecule of sugar is chemically manipulated to accept three chlorine atoms. Natural sugar when turned into Splenda becomes a chlorocarbon, in the family of chlorodane, lindane and DDT. “Splenda shares many similar characteristics to pesticides like DDT that can accumulate in your body fat and tissues,” warns Dr. Joseph Mercola. “It is impossible to predict the long-term consequences of ingesting this substance over many years. If you think that just because the FDA approved it, that it is safe ... think again. I can assure you that it had far less review than Vioxx, which was approved by the FDA and that drug killed 55,000 people.”
In September 2008, James Turner, chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health, publicized a report from scientists at Duke University. "Hundreds of consumers have complained to us about side effects from using Splenda and this study, published this past week in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, confirms that the chemicals in the little yellow package should carry a big red warning label," said Turner.
Among the results in the study is evidence that, in the animals studied, Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases the pH level in the intestines, contributes to increases in body weight and affects the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the body in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected. Turner noted that the P-gp effect "could result in crucial medications used in chemotherapy for cancer patients, AIDS treatment and drugs for heart conditions being shunted back into the intestines" rather than being absorbed by the body as intended.
"It is like putting a pesticide in your body," Turner said. "A person eating two slices of cake and drinking two cups of coffee containing Splenda would ingest enough sucralose to affect the P-glycoprotein, while consuming just seven little Splenda packages reduces good bacteria." The side effects occur after accumulated use. Turner also noted unmistakable evidence that Splenda is absorbed by fat, contrary to the claims of Johnson & Johnson. "The new study makes it clear that Splenda can cause you to gain weight and lose the benefits of medications designed to improve and protect your health," he said. "The FDA should not continue to turn a blind eye to this health threat."
On April 7, 2006, Citizens For Health filed a formal Petition with the FDA, demanding that the FDA revoke its approval of sucralose. The Federal Food and Drug Administration acknowledged receipt of the petition the day it was received, but has taken no action.
Refined sugar is the lesser of the evils.
To put it another way, if you must have a soda, don’t make it a diet soda. Remember that the typical 12-ounce can of soda pop has 10 teaspoons of sugar in it.
Fortunately, there are some safer sweeteners to choose from including stevia, lo-han, and xylitol.
Are Fruits Good or Bad for You?
Keep in mind that fruits contain fructose, although an ameliorating factor is that whole fruits also contain vitamins and other antioxidants that reduce the hazardous effects of fructose.
Packaged juices, on the other hand, are nearly as detrimental as soda, because a glass of juice is loaded with fructose, and a lot of the antioxidants are lost. It is important to remember that fructose alone isn’t evil as fruits are certainly beneficial. But when you consume high levels of fructose it will absolutely devastate your biochemistry and physiology.
Remember the average fructose dose is 70 grams per day which exceeds the recommend limit by 300 percent. So please be careful with your fruit consumption. You simply must understand that because high fructose corn syrup is so darn cheap, it is added to virtually every processed food. Even if you consumed no soda or fruit, it is very easy to exceed 25 grams of hidden fructose in your diet. If you are a raw food advocate, have a pristine diet, and exercise very well, then you could be the exception that could exceed this limit and stay healthy.
Fruits that contain fructose in higher amounts are: apples, papaya, dried fruits, mango, grapes, raisins, pear, watermelon, and banana. Simply limit your intake of these foods.
Kicking the Sugar Habit
Stopping the sugar habit isn't something most people can do cold turkey. Your best intentions can be defeated by sugar's addictive impact on your brain.
In analyzing how rats react to sugar consumption, scientists have found similarities to the response to drugs like heroin and cocaine. When humans and rats eat sweets, their brain level of dopamine – a neurotransmitter that regulates reward and is at the heart of many addictive behaviors – increases.
If you have candida, it is almost impossible to kick the sugar habit until you knock down the fungus. Saying no to sugar when you have a candida overgrowth is like trying to put out a raging fire with a squirt gun.
If you want to give yourself a new lease on life without sugar, work with us to help you navigate the very real obstacles to quitting.
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
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